Your free, impartial clearinghouse for finding wellness resources

Preselected Resources for Specific Needs

What Impacts Your Health?

How Are You Doing?

  • Do you wake up with enthusiasm for the day ahead?
  • Do you have the high energy you need to do what you want?
  • Do you laugh easily and often, especially at yourself?
  • Do you confidently find solutions for the challenges in your life?
  • Do you feel valued and appreciated?
  • Do you appreciate others and let them know it?
  • Do you have a circle of warm, caring friends?
  • Do the choices you make every day get you what you want?
  • MORE

What People Are Saying About AHHAMORE

Unbiased information on controversial topics.
Candace Campbell
Get unbiased help, direction and information on holistic health.
Susan Negus, PhD
Thank you AHHA for keeping the language of wholeness alive.
William Collinge, PhD
AHHA provides information to go into inspiration.
Bernard S. Siegel, MD
Wide variety of topic offerings.
Judy E. Buss, Syndicated Health Columnist
Connecting with people of like mindsets.
Donna A. Peters, PhD, RN, FAAN
The information provided by AHHA is of great value.
Bera Dordoni, ND
AHHA provides the information people need to manage their own health.
H. Garrett Thompson, DC, PhD
AHHA integrates the whole concept of wellness.
Herbert L. Jacobs MD, FACOG, FACS, ABHIM
Vibrant health requires living a sweet and pleasurable life.
Christiane Northrup, MD